My Favorite Kappa Delta Chi Memory

My Favorite Kappa Delta Chi Memory

by Nadya Medina | IG @_nadya_medina_

Joining a Sorority

When I started college, I never thought I was going to be a part of a sorority.
Partially because I never knew much about it, but I was also terrified that I wouldn’t be able to fit in. It wasn’t until my first semester active that I felt like that feeling moved away and it was replaced with something so much more positive and welcoming.

Coming Back to Campus after COVID

I was part of a COVID class, so my active semester happened right as everything was starting to open up again. I met the other active’s during my process, but something about seeing everyone consistently made me a bit nervous. Especially since I met the majority of them over Facetime.

Meeting My Sisters

One day a few of us left an event, and we decided to wait for another sister to finish her class since it was only going to be a few more minutes until she was out. While we were waiting, it led to the three of us talking and of course, given that Hamilton came out during COVID, we all started talking about that. One thing led to another and we ended up doing a reenactment of the first part of the play. More specifically, the second song ‘Aaron Burr, Sir’. We ended up doing that whole bit, including the rapping portion, the speaking parts, everything. Which very much was the start and end of my broadway career.

Bonding with Each Other

It was so amazing how easily we fell into the parts and how comfortable I felt after that in being able to call these girls my sisters. After we
finished we all laughed about it and one of the girls looked at me and mentioned how she had always wanted something like that to happen but no one really wanted to do it.
Two years later those girls are my closest friends and my absolute favorite sisters.

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