Tour of My aKDPhi Little's Line Jacket
by Jasmine Kuwamura | IG @jas.kuwamura
My lovely lovely little! She is my pride and joy of sorority, and I am so incredibly grateful to be able to have her in my life as a sister and friend <3 She is dedicated, silly, hardworking, and just an all-around amazing girl and knew I wanted to go all out for her jacket! There were so many different elements I wanted to tie in so it was so difficult coming up with a design that captured everything I wanted but I for sure knew I wanted it to be something majestic and cute- that was the overall vibe c:
The Dragon:
I remember this one time she mentioned she liked dragons and for some reason it just stuck with me- so for every special/non-special occasion I'd always make an excuse to buy her these cute dragon squishmallow/plushies anytime I saw one at the store and give it to her hehe! She also really likes Studio Ghibli, so I thought it be fun to have the "dragon" be Haku from Spirited Away :D
The Stars and Sun:
When I first got my little her jersey, I customized it and added 6 stars around the numbers- 3 for our fam and 3 for the stars on the Filipino flag and there's a little bunny at the bottom holding another star to represent her- the newest addition to our fam <3
So for her jacket, I wanted to keep the same motif (with the 6 stars), but instead of another star for her, I add a sun- the biggest and brightest star of them all to signify her growth throughout college and greek life! She's such an incredible and kind human and thought it well reflected how much I've seen her blossom these last few years <3
The Moon:
The moon is an ode to her gbig, Sister Phoebe <3 I can't imagine a world without her and I don't think I could've ever been as good of a big sister without her guidance, love, and support. I am so grateful for my big and wanted to include her in the jacket as a reminder of just the amount love we have for one another!
The Flowers and Foliage:
I actually first met my little through the Filipino Student Association, another cultural org on campus! Mutually, we have so much pride and love for the organization and our culture so it was something I knew I had to tie in while designing her jacket :3 So the flowers around the dragon are sampaguitas (or jasmines), national flowers of the Philippines along with banana leaves!
Every Moment Everlasting:
I think this was my favorite touch- our sorority motto is: "Let Our Light Shine Forth" and at the end of chapter meetings, the president would always conclude chapter with our motto and everyone responds back with "Every Moment Everlasting." I've gotten my big her paddle, my little a jersey, and my last sorority gift was going to be her jacket so when I was designing this jacket, it kinda felt like my final farewell :( At the same time it's like a new beginning for her and I'll hopefully get to see her do the same for her new little :) it just helped tie everything full circle <3